[photo: Melody Walker brings her Wabanaki life to the stage as the conference keynote]
We had 181 people at My Story Matters, the first history conference for high school students and teachers held at Lyndon State College on April 8. A hundred and thirty-six of the people there were students -- awesome!
Were you there? Did you cook with Lauren Anderson, sort through Census records with Tony Booth, try out some interviewing with Peggy Sapphire? It would be great to hear from you if you worked with Caro Thompson on how to generate compelling video, or with Cyndy Bittinger on the "what if" of Grace Coolidge, Dorothy Thompson, and Anne Frank. More, more, more!
So use the Comments button here, and make your voice heard. Keep an eye on the blog, too, because soon we'll be able to post links to the amazing narratives that some of you recorded in the My Story Matters History Booth.
I'm counting on you to speak up. Beth
Thank you very much for donating your time and effort into educating us vermonters about the history of women. I really enjoyed the classes, especially the one about Anne Frank, and the class about historic food. I realized how much things have changed since the early 1900's. I hope you continue to do this activity in the future because it was a great educational experience.
Thank you for all your efforts in organizing an amazing conference. It was very interesting, and a great amount of fun. The historical cooking class I attended was quite unique, and after the conference my friend and I actually tried one of the recipes for the fruit cake. The conference was inspiring to explore the historical roots of our country. In my opinion, it was a successful conference that you should definitely have next year!
I participated in the theater production workshop and I immitated Albert Einstein and his opinions on gay marriage anyway it was really fun and i enjoyed working with Bess O'brien.
This was a really great opportunity! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. I had a lot of fun doing the different activities and I learned a lot about many unique subjects. The class for historic foods was quite fascinating. The recipes they provided us are also quite delicious!! The Anne Frank seminar was also very imformative and eye opening. Also, the presenters really did a great job and answered all of our questions. They were patient and obviously had a passion for the subject they were presenting. This was a great experience and I would love to attend any future presentations!! Thank you!
My name is Colby Daniels, i'm in the junior humanities class at North country union high school. i attended your my story matters conference with my class. My expirenence at the conference was alot of fun and i enjoyed the workshops about anne frank, would i save her? and also the baking historic food class. thank you for having this conference, it gave my class a lot of information on the historic women of Vermont.
Thank you for promoting the understanding of the diverse treatment of women. Your conference broadened my perspective of women's treatment, struggle and suffrage. The "Would you have rescued Anne Frank?" portion was interesting and gave an deeper analysis of the life of Anne Frank, whose book is still prominent today. Thank you again for granting my Humanities class the opportunity to learn about how "My Story Matters".
The cheese was great thanks for the soy milk. the time and effort you put into the confrence I thoroughly appreciate. The writng sessions were superb! I think you should do it agian, I suggest strudles for future snackdom. It gets the people going, everyone loves a good strudle. :)
Thank you for hosting such a wonderful conference! I learned a lot in the small group seminars. The "Historic Foods" group was delicious. I took the recipe books home, and a friend and I tried the fruitcake recipe...it was scrumptious!! The speakers were wonderful and attentive. They answered any questions we had and worked hard to make their presentations interactive. It was overall a very delightful conference. Thank you so much!!
Participating in the My Story Matters workshop was a wonderful experience. I had no idea that Vermont held so much history. The workshop was very well put together and i hope future North Country Humanities classes can also attend. I appreciate all the hard work many people put in to making the workshop a possibility. It was very beneificial and i enjoyed myself a lot. Thank you for your time and your effort that you put into this production.
Thank you for setting up a conference for highschool students to learm and women's history. I enjoyed attending the historic foods workshop. Not only did we learn how to cook historical foods but we discussed the history behind it and we were able to try the different types of food. I also attended the Anne Frank workshop and learned many facts about Anne Frank. The only suggestion I have is if the workshops envolved the students more instead of just lecturing.
Hi my name is Kristen Pare from Mr. Johnson's Junior Humanities class at North Country Union High School. I attended the My Story Matters conference on April 8th. I had a wonderful learning experience at the conference. My favorite class that I went to was the food in Vermont history class. I greatly enjoyed spending my day here. I would suggest that you host another one of these conferences next year, because it would be another success.
Thank you for hosting the seminars on April 8th. I attended the theater seminar with Bess O'brien, and i really enjoyed writing and speaking about diffferent historical characters. I also liked working with the other students in the seminar. There should definitely have this conference in future years. :-)
Thank you so much for provided us with a better understanding of Vermont and women in Vermont history. All of the seminars I attended were very interesting and the performance at the end of the day was hilarious. Each speaker had their own unique perspective on Vermont, and I'm glad that I participated.
Thank you for inviting our class to the Your Story Matters conference. I appreciate your efforts in organizing it. The historical food session was interesting. The food was delicious. The Anne Frank session was also interesting. I enjoyed learning about women in history. It inspired me to look into my own history. I thought this conference was extremely successful and you should have it again next year. I hope other classes enjoy it as much as I did.
My name is Samantha DeLaBruere and I am a junior at North Country Union High School. My humanities class attended the "My Story Matters" at Lyndon College. Learning about the history of food and the vidieo workshop were a lot of fun. It was interesting to see all of the different workshops to chooose from. Thank you for offering the conference it was very enjoyable.
Thank you very much for all you've done to set up the My Story Matters conference. I had a great time and learned alot about women's history. The workshops were all very interesting. My favorite was the workshop about Anne Frank. I hope you continue this workshop in the future
The Junior Hummanities class at North Country Union High School thanks you for your time and consideration. My favorite class was the Vermont food and history class. Thank you for your presentation.
My name is Samantha Guyette and i am in Junior Humanities at North Country High School. On April 8, i was there at "My Story Matters", and it was an interesting experience. I enjoyed this and Learned a lot. The presentations I went to were food history, video production and women in early vermont history. I want to thank you for your kind commitment in hosting this conference and teaching the youth of vermont. I am not a suck up i just really enjoyed this.
Loved hearing from you -- thanks for all the comments! Now you're a year and a half older ... are you thinking about pulling together your own class in one of these topics? Or maybe launching a conference of your own, where students and researchers and passionate historians can share the excitement of rediscovering the past? Let me know when you decide to plan one. I'd be glad to help in the planning stages for your gathering, too!
Don't forget -- your story matters!
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